Monday, November 10, 2014


Transactions involves basic business operations such as payroll checks, employee records, customers orders, purchase orders and reservations. On the other hand, Transaction Processing System (TPS) refers to a computerized system which performs and records daily transaction necessary to the conduct of business. Transaction Processing System (TPS) can be defined as follows :

A TPS must comforms few requirements to enable users to use the system effectively. The requirements are as follows :

Transaction processing applications must be accessible to multiple users at one time. When multiple users access the database at the same time, the database has to be protected from errors due to overlapping updates. Therefore, the database must have a high reliability. Next, the database offers a rapid response upon a large volume of requests and updates. Fast performance and interactive interface will contribute to a favorable access. A database has to feature a high availability and minimal down-time.


TPS processes the data in one of two basic ways which are known as batch processing and online transaction processing. With batch transaction processing, the system gathers transaction over a period of time and processes the all at once. Meanwhile, with real online transaction processing, transaction are processed online immediately as soon as they occur.

Batch processing transaction

A system whereby business transaction are accumulated over a period  of time and prepared for processing as a single unit or batch.

      Example: Manufacturing product , supply chain , salaries.

On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP)
   A system whereby each transaction is processed immediately, without the delay of accumulating transaction  into a batch.

     - Real time transaction
        i) Mostly in online shopping
        ii) Uses PCI cards (Payment Card Industry:  Mastercard ,Visa , Maestro,
             American Express, Discover )
        iii) Paypal or WorldPay , WePay , eWay , ICEPAY.